Exploring The Role of Communication
The responsibilities of an oncology nurse are extensive and go far beyond clinical knowledge and application. Nurses serve as vital members of the healthcare team, and often take on roles as patient navigators assisting patients, their caregivers and families find their way through the ever-changing field of oncology. As a patient navigator, oncology nurses contribute to the patient centered care model by giving each patient the tools needed to make informed decisions, and contribute to the entire healthcare team. This bridged gap, the gap of communication between healthcare providers and patients, has the potential to improve patient satisfaction, outcomes, trust in the healthcare system and ultimately have a positive impact on quality of life.
Categories to Measure/Evaluate the Impact of
Patient Navigators on Patients, Providers, and the Healthcare System
Resources and Additional Reading:
Rasulnia M, Sih-Meynier R. The Roles and Challenges of Oncology Navigators: A National Survey. J Oncol Nav Survivor. 2017;8. Available at: http://www.jons-online.com/issues/2017/january-2017-vol-9-no-1/1582-the-roles-and-challenges-of-oncology-navigators-a-national-survey . Accessed July 7, 2019.
Becze E. The Evolving Role of Oncology Nurse Navigators. ONS Voice. 2017. Available at: https://voice.ons.org/news-and-views/the-evolving-role-of-oncology-nurse-navigators. Accessed July 7, 2019.
Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators, Chartis Oncology Solutions and American Cancer Society. National Evidence-Based Oncology Navigation Metrics: Multisite Exploratory Study to Demonstrate Value and Sustainability of Navigation Programs. 2018. Available at: https://www.aonnonline.org/education/standardized-metrics/navigation-metrics-quality-study. Accessed July 7, 2019.